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Add an Announcement or Task

Required User Level
2 - View/Add

The minimum user access level a user must have to use this feature of Pimarc.


You can enter announcements to be viewed by everyone in the company. Adding a company announcement or task in the calendar is available to Level 2 users and up.

To add an announcement or task:

  1. Select the date in the calendar; it opens your personal day schedule.

  2. Click the "Add a New announcement or task" button; it opens a new window.

  3. Type your new announcement or task in the details textbox.

  4. Select which type you are going to post, announcement or task. The default is announcement.

  5. In the level 7 user window, there are a list of color button you can choose to change the button color to be shown in the calendar.

  6. Click "Add" button to add your announcement or task. If you want to cancel it, you can sample click the cancel button.

