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Add News

Required User Level
2 - View/Add

The minimum user access level a user must have to use this feature of Pimarc.


You can add company news in Pimarc news page. This feature is available to level 6 users and up.

To add company news:

  1. Click the "Add a news entry" button in the News page.

  2. In the add news window, write your news in the textbox.

  3. If you want to add a internal link into your news, click the browse button to browse your file, then input your link text or title in the textbox and click add link button. A html code will add into the news textbox, do not change the code of it. You also can write a website link into it, but you need to write the whole link with "http://" in front of it. For example: "http://www.pimarc.com" instead of "www.pimarc.com".

  4. Click Save button to add your news. If you want to cancel it, you sample click the cancel button.

