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Edit a Personal Contact

Required User Level
2 - View/Add

The minimum user access level a user must have to use this feature of Pimarc.


You can edit your personal contact information in Pimarc anytime you want. This feature is available to Level 2 users and up.

To edit a personal contact:

  1. Select the contact you want to edit, click the button beside the contact.

  2. An edit personal contact window opens.

  3. In the edit window, you can click the print mailing label button to print the contact address.

  4. You can send your personal contact to your company's staffs by clicking the "send contact info to staff" button.

  5. All staffs' name list in the new window, select their name and click update button.

  6. You also can send your personal contact to a client by clicking the "send contact info to company" button.

  7. Search the client you want to send the contact, and click update.

  8. Click update button to save the new contact info. You also can delete the contact by click the delete button.

