Required User Level
1 - View

The minimum user access level a user must have to use this feature of Pimarc.

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Once you are in the users page, you are presented with the list of existing users in the system. You can search user by their first name, last name or user name.

To edit user:

  1. Click the edit button that the user you are going to edit.

  2. Modify the user information in the user window and click modify button to save the change.

  3. You can delete the user by clicking the tag to delete button, it will move the user to recover section. See Recover Menu.
Create User Versions:
  1. Pimarc allows you to create different versions of the user. Different user can set to different rate.
  2. Replace Button is for you to create a new version of the current user setting. After you click the replace button, the version number will add one.
  3. Click the view button to view all the user versions.

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